Tuesday, July 24, 2012


In deciding to start a blog, I had a sort of revelation. I was thinking about what it would take to begin writing something that someone might find interesting to read. I realized quickly that what I find most interesting, are the perspectives people have on any topic, and especially the process that brought that person to perceive things the way they do. So naturally blogging would take a person who is introspective, but can collect and write their thoughts down in a stimulating way.

Here comes the revelation. I have this thought. "Am I introspective?" I don't know. Does the fact that I'm asking myself this question answer the very question? Maybe. Nevertheless the questions whether answered or not caused me to understand what I should write. I will become more conscious of what I am thinking during my daily life, in any situation. Then I will come here to write down the events and my thoughts in relation to the events.

I think I just defined what blogging is... whatever. I hope you enjoy.